viernes, 28 de mayo de 2010

GeoFast FID (Version 2.12)
Calibration and Setup Procedure
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FSD – Field Support Department bruary 2009
05 Fe
Subject: The GeoFastFID (version 2.12) calibration procedure is somewhat similar to the Reserval II procedure. The Calibration port of the GFF gas panel cannot be used to calibrate the chromatograph five points calibration instead the manual injection port is used. A new quick look procedure to do the Chromatograph and Total Gas calibrations is documented here.
Operating System: The GFF version 2.12 can operate under Windows 2000 (611.AA.760) or Windows XP (700.BV.519) operating system environment.
Port Setting: The communication ports and speed settings are very important both on the GFF computer and also on the RTM computer.
1. On the GFF computer – COM 1 port setting:
Go to ‘Control Panel’, double click on ‘System’
Click on ‘Hardware’
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Double click on ‘Device Manager’
To see various ports, expand the ‘Ports (COM & LPT)’
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Calibration and Setup Procedure
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Right click on Communication Port (COM1), double click on ‘Properties”.
Click on ‘Port settings’ and then double click on ‘Advance’.
Set the ‘Transmit Buffer to Low (1).
Click OK and again OK and close the Device Manager. Reboot the GFF computer.
Important: The GFF computer COM 1 port is always connected to the GFF gas panel COM port. The GFF computer COM 2 port is connected to the RTM computer (either Persyst board or the COM port) hardware.
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2. On the RTM computer – Modification of RTM_RTG.FIC file depending on RTM hardware configuration:
􀂾 If Persyst 4 port communication board present, port 1 and port 2 have preset speed of 19200. You can assign any of the two available ports for GFF version 2.12. Example given below.
RTM_RTG.FIC setting, using a PERSYST board:
'ID Type Port Speed Par Bits Stp '
DAP1 DCP88 1 19200 N 8 1 ' Reserved for DAP#1
GASOUT DCP88 2 19200 N 8 1 ' Reserved for GFF windows 2000/XP
rem MWD DCP88 3 9600 N 8 1 ' Reserved for MWD
rem GASAUX DCP88 4 1200 N 8 1 ' Reserved for Auxillary
Rem GASOUT COMX 2 1200 N 8 1 ' Reserved for GasOut
rem GASAUX COMX 3 9600 N 8 1 ' Reserved for GasAux (Second Reser
rem 7015 COMX 1 9600 N 8 1 ' Reserved for DataScan 7015
rem REMOTE COMX 2 19200 N 8 1 ' Reserved for REMOTE Ascii
rem GASIN COMX 2 19200 N 8 1 ' Reserved for GasIn
rem ASCII COMX 1 9600 N 8 1 ' Reserved Ascii Port
rem WITS0 COMX 2 9600 N 8 1 ' Reserved WITS0 Port
rem GDF COMX 1 9600 N 8 1 ' Reserved GDF Display
rem CSU COMX 2 1200 N 7 2 ' Reserved Schlumberger
rem HPINT2 DCP88 4 1200 N 8 1 ' Reserved for REMOTE Ascii/HPINTEG
TCPIP ' Reserved for TCPIP via RTG_NT
􀂾 If you are using COM port communication, you can configure any of the ports to 19200 and then assign that port for GFF version 2.12.
RTM_RTG.FIC setting, using a COM ports board:
'ID Type Port Speed Par Bits Stp '
rem DAP1 DCP88 1 19200 N 8 1 ' Reserved for DAP#1
rem GASOUT DCP88 2 19200 N 8 1 ' Reserved for DAP#2
rem MWD DCP88 3 9600 N 8 1 ' Reserved for MWD
rem GASOUT DCP88 4 1200 N 8 1 ' Reserved for GasOut
DAP1 COMX 1 19200 N 8 1 ' Reserved for DAP#1
GASOUT COMX 2 19200 N 8 1 ' Reserved for GFF windows 2000/XP
rem GASAUX COMX 3 1200 N 8 1 ' Reserved for Auxillary
rem 7015 COMX 1 9600 N 8 1 ' Reserved for DataScan 7015
rem REMOTE COMX 2 19200 N 8 1 ' Reserved for REMOTE Ascii
rem GASIN COMX 2 19200 N 8 1 ' Reserved for GasIn
rem ASCII COMX 1 9600 N 8 1 ' Reserved Ascii Port
rem WITS0 COMX 2 9600 N 8 1 ' Reserved WITS0 Port
rem GDF COMX 1 9600 N 8 1 ' Reserved GDF Display
rem CSU COMX 2 1200 N 7 2 ' Reserved Schlumberger
rem HPINT2 DCP88 4 1200 N 8 1 ' Reserved for REMOTE Ascii/HPINTEG
TCPIP ' Reserved for TCPIP via RTG_NT
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Calibration and Setup Procedure
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Main Features of the Calibration Procedures for GFF Version 2.12
The calibration procedure is split into four sections so as to improve the quality control of gas analysis.
􀂾 Prior to calibrating the GFF gas panel
In this section the chromatograph cycle is checked for presence of C6. The time when C1 window opens and nC5 window closes are checked if they are in working range. The setting up of each gas component windows, auto tracking and base value are updated on the Setting screen of the GFF.
􀂾 Chromatograph calibration for GFF
In this section the procedure of doing the Chromatograph calibration using the calibration kit is explained in details.
􀂾 Total Gas multipoint calibration for DRY gas
Here the procedure of using the new multipoint calibration for Total Gas and setting up the Dry gas calibration table are explained. In this dry gas calibration method only Methane gas canister of different concentrations are used with the calibration kit.
􀂾 Total Gas multipoint calibration for WET gas
In this section the procedure of using the Wet gas multipoint calibration table for Total Gas is explained. In this wet gas calibration method, Mixture gas canisters of different concentration are used with the calibration kit. In this table the physical value for each calibration point is the Methane Equivalent % of that gas canister is entered.
Items required in calibrating the GFF gas panel:
• Calibration kit. (700.BL.780)
• Mixture calibration gas canisters – (700.BV.527) 100ppm Mixture
(700.BV.526) 1000ppm Mixture
(700.BV.525) 1% Mixture
(700.BV.524) 5% Mixture
(700.BV.523) 10% Mixture
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• Methane calibration gas canisters – (700.BV.522) 1% Methane
(700.BV.521) 10% Methane
(700.BZ.939) 30% Methane (optional)
(700.BV.520) 100% Methane
When you power up the GFF, let it run for few hours so as to have proper temperature stability inside the analysis module.
Always do the Chromatograph (CHR) calibration first and then do Total Hydrocarbon Gas (THG) calibration.
Check that the GFF air input is set at 3.5 bar pressure.
Check that the H2 is set to 0.5 bar pressure.
Things to be checked when you setup a GFF or replace the Analysis module and also when the flows are adjusted.
I. Prior to calibrating the GFF gas panel
1. Check for presence of C6 gas peaks (we do not measure C6 but can detect its peaks when flows are wrongly set). On the “Setting” screen change the cycle time from 42 seconds to 72 seconds. Then click OK.
2. Connect 10% gas mixture canister to the gas line port of the GFF analysis module using the calibration kit regulator and regulate the gas pressure to 1 bar.
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Display the GFF screen on Chromatograph cycle on log scal
If the C6 gas peaks are present (as above) than redo the CHR Column Precut Flow again (in this case the Precut flow has to be reduced
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5. Put back the cycle time to 42 seconds. Check the minimum time of C1 gas (open window); the open window of C1 should be between the range of 19 seconds to 22 seconds. If it is not in range then slowly adjust the Column Pressure regulator (clockwise rotation to increase pressure so as to allow the gases to come early in the cycle, counter clockwise for gases to come late).
For Auto tracking, time in seconds when C1 reach its maximum peak
Close nC5 window before 38 seconds
Minimum (open) C1 window between 19 to22seconds
6. Check the maximum time (close window) of nC5 gas, this maximum time should be before 38 seconds. If not in range than slowly adjust the Column Pressure regulator. Again check the C1 open window and nC5 close windows, they should both be in the working range. Note that the last 4 seconds of the chromatograph cycle time is required for the GFF computer to do internal processing of data.
7. If iC5 and nC5 gas canister concentration are similar but you observe that the respective curves are of different height then increase the Precut Column Flow by small amount. It is important that you should not allow C6 to be detected.
iC5 and nC5 gas peaks are of different height
8. Note down the minimum (open) / maximum (close) for C1, C2, C3, iC4, nC4, iC5 and nC5. Also check the C1 peak time for updating the Auto tracking time. Input all this information on the “Setting” screen table.
Minus two seconds from the Minimum (open) C1 window value to give you the Base value
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9. Now flush / purge the GFF gas panel with compressor air, (use the extension tubing to connect compressor air to the calibration kit regulator) regulate this air pressure to 1 bar in Gas line 1 port of the analysis module. Also flush the Manual Injection port with air.
II. Chromatograph calibration for GFF
Since the Calibration port of the GFF analysis module cannot be used for the Chromatograph calibration, we have to use the Manual injection port located in the front of the analysis module. Follow the diagram shown below to line up the gas canister to the analysis module.
Manual injection port
Regulate the pressure regulator to set flow of 40cc/min on the Alltech flowmeter.
􀂙 Connect the Calibration kit tubing to the Manual injection port along with the Alltech flowmeter in series as shown in the above diagram.
􀂙 Now connect Air input to the Calibration kit, regulate the pressure regulator so as to have a set flow of 40 cc/min of air (less than 0.5 bar pressure) into the Manual injection port. Since the flow is set do not adjust this pressure regulator while doing the five points chromatograph calibration.
􀂙 Connect the required gas canister to calibration kit, flush the kit with little gas and then connect it to the Manual injection port as shown in the diagram below.
It is a good practice to flush the calibration kit with calibration gas of the next injection so as to get better gas readings.
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On the GFF main screen go to the Hidden Hot Key menu and select the GFF in “Advanced User” mode. Select OK to accept the new setting.
1. Go to the Calibration icon so as to activate the Calibration screen as seen below.
Click Predefined Gas
Hidden Hot Key area (between 4 squares)
Click Calibration icon
2. Click on ‘Predefined Gas’, click on Injection #1 and input the gas values for C1 to nC5 as labeled on the 100ppm gas canister and click on ‘Update’ to accept the changes for that injection. Do this process for each of the five injections starting from lower range to higher range. (Note: Injection #1 is 100 ppm C1 mixture).
3. Connect the Calibration kit regulator and the 100 ppm calibration gas canister. Flush the calibration kit tubing with the respective gas and then connect to the Manual injection port of the analysis module and regulate the flow of of 40 cc/min on the Alltech flowmeter as explained earlier.
4. Click on ‘Run’ for calibration and then click on ‘Yes’ to start the calibration process.
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Each gas component (C1 – nC5) has a grid with black Theoretical curve and respective colour active curve with five injection points
Click Run
During the ‘Run’ mode, the display on the Gas Composition table starts with 100 ppm C1 as the first predefined gas mixture (injection #1). The gas from the canister flows through the CHR sample loop for @ 10 sec, then the commutation of 6 port valve takes place and analysis process begins for that gas sample. When that cycle completes, the ‘Validate’ box turns from grey colour text to black colour text. Click on ‘Validate’ to accept this calibration point for 100 ppm concentration, see that your calibration points for each of the components are close enough to the black theoretical point.
Note: Compare the gas readings displayed on the RTM* computer, these gas readings are base on the last active calibration and not your present calibration which is still not saved. Do not compare the reading for the first two to three cycles, the gas may be contaminated so ignore these cycles.
*use the latest RTM software version.
5. After validation if you find that this point is not good (as shown in the grid below) then you have to click on ‘Cancel’ before the end of the running cycle to go back to 100 ppm gas composition. Once the point is validated, the gas composition goes to the next predefined 1000 ppm gas mixture.
6. Connect the 1000 ppm gas mixture canister to the Calibration kit and flush the calibration kit tubing with gas. Connect the calibration kit to the calibration port and regulate the gas pressure to 1 bar on the pressure gauge.
7. Click on ‘Validate’ to accept this calibration point for 1000 ppm concentration. Follow the same procedure for 1%, 5%, 10% gas mixtures. The purpose of ‘Skip’ is to ignore a particular injection and go to the next injection point. You can skip if you do not have that particular gas mixture canister.
8. After you have validated all the five gas injections then you can click ‘Save’ then click ‘Yes’ to save your new calibration
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9. You can click ‘Stop’ then click ‘Yes’ to stop the calibration process.
10. The ‘Restart’ option is to redo all the five point calibration again if needed.
11. You can click ‘Advance Calibration’ the file which works in ‘Advance User’ mode.
12. Check if all the five calibration points have been saved for C1 – C5’s.
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All calibration files listed. Note the file with TH is the Theoretical calibration file.
13. If you intend to use another calibration file then you have to highlight that particular calibration file and click on ‘Select CAL’ button so as to make it active.
14. Add – to make a copy of the highlighted calibration file. Remove – to delete the highlighted file.
15. Update – to save after editing the points (not to be used in the field for modifications)
16. Disconnect the gas canister and flush / purge the GFF gas panel with compressor air, (use the extension tubing to connect compressor air to the calibration kit regulator) regulate this air pressure to 1 bar in Calibration port of the analysis module.
III. Total Gas multipoint calibration for GFF (Dry gas calibration)
1. Flush / purge the GFF gas panel with compressor air, (use the extension tubing to connect compressor air to the calibration kit regulator) regulate this air pressure to 1 bar in Gas line #1 port of the analysis module.
2. Double click the Total Gas box area to activate the Total Gas calibration window.
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Click here
3. For Total Gas you have two groups of calibration tables – Dry gas calibration table (using Methane gas canisters only) and Wet gas calibration table (using Mixture gas canisters only). Only one type of calibration table can be kept active. If you need Dry gas then highlight the dry Gas circle and click on ‘Select’ so as to make Dry Gas calibration active.
4. It is important to purge the GFF gas panel through the gas line #1 port of the Analysis module for few minutes. Observe the Raw μV signal (grey box at the bottom), if this signal is more or less steady (stable) then you click the first ‘UPDATE’ point. This will copy the raw signal value from the bottom to point #1 Raw box. For the Calib box type 0 ppm since air is used to get the Zero - no gas value. After updating the first point of Raw and Calib then click on ‘Validate’ to recognize the new point. Observe the Total Gas display window should show 0 ppm value, if Total Gas display is not showing 0 ppm then redo the raw μV signal value once again to have a proper Zero for the first point.
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5. Connect 1% Methane gas canister to the Calibration kit. Connect the calibration kit to the Gas line #1 port of the analysis module and regulate the gas pressure to 1 bar on the pressure gauge.
6. Observe the Raw μV signal (grey box at the bottom), if this signal is more or less steady (stable) then you click the second ‘UPDATE’ point. This will copy the raw signal value from the bottom to point #2 Raw box. For the Calib box type 10000 ppm since the calibration gas canister was 1% Methane. Click on ‘Validate’ to recognize the second point. Observe the Total Gas display window should show @ 10000 ppm value, if not then redo the ‘Update’ for the same concentration of gas and again ‘Validate’.
7. Follow the same procedure for 10% and 100% Methane canisters.
IV. Total Gas multipoint calibration for GFF (Wet gas calibration)
1. Flush / purge the GFF gas panel with compressor air, (use the extension tubing to connect compressor air to the calibration kit regulator) regulate this air pressure to 1 bar in Gasoline #1 port of the analysis module.
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2. Click the Total Gas box area to activate the Total Gas calibration window.
Click here
3. If you need Wet gas then highlight the wet Gas circle and click on ‘Select’ so as to make Wet Gas calibration active.
4. It is important to purge the GFF gas panel through the gas line #1 port of the Analysis module for few minutes. Observe the Raw μV signal (grey box at the bottom), if this signal is more or less steady (stable) then you click the first ‘UPDATE’ point. This will copy the raw signal value from the bottom to point #1 Raw box. For the Calib box type 0 ppm since air is used to get the Zero - no gas value. After updating the first point of Raw and Calib then click on ‘Validate’ to recognize the new point. Observe the Total Gas display window should show 0 ppm value, if Total Gas display is not showing 0 ppm then redo the raw μV signal value once again to have a proper Zero for the first point.
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5. Connect 1000 ppm Mixture gas canister to the Calibration kit. Connect the calibration kit to the Gasoline #1 port of the analysis module and regulate the gas pressure to 1 bar on the pressure gauge.
6. Observe the Raw μV signal (grey box at the bottom), if this signal is more or less steady (stable) then you click the second ‘UPDATE’ point. This will copy the raw signal value from the bottom to point #2 Raw box. Since 1000 ppm mixture gas canister will give 6750 ppm Methane Equivalent % (C1 + 2xC2 + 3xC3 + 4xiC4 + 4xnC4 + 5xiC5 + 5xnC5). In the Calib box you have to input Methane Equivalent value. Click on ‘Validate’ to recognize the second point. Observe the Total Gas display window should show @ 6750 ppm value, if not then redo the ‘Update’ for the same concentration of gas and again ‘Validate’.
Calculate the Methane Equivalent % base on the canister values for each component.
7. Follow the same procedure when calibrating the 1%, 5% and 10% Mixture gas canisters.
Mixture gas canister
Methane Equivalent %
1000 ppm C1 Mixture
6750 ppm
10000 ppm C1 Mixture
67500 ppm
50000 ppm C1 Mixture
200500 ppm
100000 ppm C1 Mixture
330000 ppm
Note: Since the 10% Mixture has the C6 components, it has to be included in the Methane equivalent %.
8. Remove the calibration kit from gasline #1 port of the analysis module and connect back the gasline #1 tubing coming from the pump module. Start both the pumps and flush out all the contaminated gas from the system. Now the GFF calibration is complete.

GeoFast FID (Version 2.12)

Calibration and Setup Procedure


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Issued b

Subject: The GeoFastFID (version 2.12) calibration procedure is somewhat similar to the

Reserval II procedure. The Calibration port of the GFF gas panel cannot be used to

calibrate the chromatograph five points calibration instead the manual injection port is

used. A new quick look procedure to do the Chromatograph and Total Gas

calibrations is documented here.

Operating System: The GFF version 2.12 can operate under Windows 2000 (611.AA.760) or Windows

XP (700.BV.519) operating system environment.

Port Setting: The communication ports and speed settings are very important both on the GFF

computer and also on the RTM computer.

1. On the GFF computer – COM 1 port setting:

Go to ‘Control Panel’, double click on ‘System’

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FSD R&T Dept OSL Manager

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05 Feb 2009 20 Feb 2009 02 Mar 2009

ITEC GEO 0086L14 200T

Click on ‘Hardware’

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Calibration and Setup Procedure


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Issued b

Double click on ‘Device Manager’

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ITEC GEO 0086L14 200T

To see various ports, expand the ‘Ports (COM & LPT)’

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Calibration and Setup Procedure


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Issued b

Right click on Communication Port (COM1), double click on ‘Properties”.

Click on ‘Port settings’ and then double click on ‘Advance’.

Set the ‘Transmit Buffer to Low (1).

Click OK and again OK and close the Device Manager. Reboot the GFF computer.

Important: The GFF computer COM 1 port is always connected to the GFF gas panel COM port. The GFF

computer COM 2 port is connected to the RTM computer (either Persyst board or the COM port) hardware.

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FSD R&T Dept OSL Manager

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ITEC GEO 0086L14 200T

GeoFast FID (Version 2.12)

Calibration and Setup Procedure


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Issued b

2. On the RTM computer – Modification of RTM_RTG.FIC file depending on RTM

hardware configuration:

嫈 If Persyst 4 port communication board present, port 1 and port 2 have preset speed of 19200. You can

assign any of the two available ports for GFF version 2.12. Example given below.

RTM_RTG.FIC setting, using a PERSYST board:


'ID Type Port Speed Par Bits Stp '



DAP1 DCP88 1 19200 N 8 1 ' Reserved for DAP#1

GASOUT DCP88 2 19200 N 8 1 ' Reserved for GFF windows 2000/XP

rem MWD DCP88 3 9600 N 8 1 ' Reserved for MWD

rem GASAUX DCP88 4 1200 N 8 1 ' Reserved for Auxillary

Rem GASOUT COMX 2 1200 N 8 1 ' Reserved for GasOut

rem GASAUX COMX 3 9600 N 8 1 ' Reserved for GasAux (Second Reser

rem 7015 COMX 1 9600 N 8 1 ' Reserved for DataScan 7015

rem REMOTE COMX 2 19200 N 8 1 ' Reserved for REMOTE Ascii

rem GASIN COMX 2 19200 N 8 1 ' Reserved for GasIn

rem ASCII COMX 1 9600 N 8 1 ' Reserved Ascii Port

rem WITS0 COMX 2 9600 N 8 1 ' Reserved WITS0 Port

rem GDF COMX 1 9600 N 8 1 ' Reserved GDF Display

rem CSU COMX 2 1200 N 7 2 ' Reserved Schlumberger

rem HPINT2 DCP88 4 1200 N 8 1 ' Reserved for REMOTE Ascii/HPINTEG

TCPIP ' Reserved for TCPIP via RTG_NT

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FSD R&T Dept OSL Manager

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05 Feb 2009 20 Feb 2009 02 Mar 2009

ITEC GEO 0086L14 200T

嫈 If you are using COM port communication, you can configure any of the ports to 19200 and then assign

that port for GFF version 2.12.

RTM_RTG.FIC setting, using a COM ports board:


'ID Type Port Speed Par Bits Stp '



rem DAP1 DCP88 1 19200 N 8 1 ' Reserved for DAP#1

rem GASOUT DCP88 2 19200 N 8 1 ' Reserved for DAP#2

rem MWD DCP88 3 9600 N 8 1 ' Reserved for MWD

rem GASOUT DCP88 4 1200 N 8 1 ' Reserved for GasOut

DAP1 COMX 1 19200 N 8 1 ' Reserved for DAP#1

GASOUT COMX 2 19200 N 8 1 ' Reserved for GFF windows 2000/XP

rem GASAUX COMX 3 1200 N 8 1 ' Reserved for Auxillary

rem 7015 COMX 1 9600 N 8 1 ' Reserved for DataScan 7015

rem REMOTE COMX 2 19200 N 8 1 ' Reserved for REMOTE Ascii

rem GASIN COMX 2 19200 N 8 1 ' Reserved for GasIn

rem ASCII COMX 1 9600 N 8 1 ' Reserved Ascii Port

rem WITS0 COMX 2 9600 N 8 1 ' Reserved WITS0 Port

rem GDF COMX 1 9600 N 8 1 ' Reserved GDF Display

rem CSU COMX 2 1200 N 7 2 ' Reserved Schlumberger

rem HPINT2 DCP88 4 1200 N 8 1 ' Reserved for REMOTE Ascii/HPINTEG

TCPIP ' Reserved for TCPIP via RTG_NT

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Issued b

Main Features of the Calibration Procedures for GFF Version 2.12

The calibration procedure is split into four sections so as to improve the quality control of gas analysis.

妈 Prior to calibrating the GFF gas panel

In this section the chromatograph cycle is checked for presence of C6. The time when C1

window opens and nC5 window closes are checked if they are in working range. The setting up

of each gas component windows, auto tracking and base value are updated on the Setting

screen of the GFF.

妈 Chromatograph calibration for GFF

In this section the procedure of doing the Chromatograph calibration using the calibration kit is

explained in details.

妈 Total Gas multipoint calibration for DRY gas

Here the procedure of using the new multipoint calibration for Total Gas and setting up the Dry

gas calibration table are explained. In this dry gas calibration method only Methane gas

canister of different concentrations are used with the calibration kit.

妈 Total Gas multipoint calibration for WET gas

In this section the procedure of using the Wet gas multipoint calibration table for Total Gas is

explained. In this wet gas calibration method, Mixture gas canisters of different concentration

are used with the calibration kit. In this table the physical value for each calibration point is the

Methane Equivalent % of that gas canister is entered.

Items required in calibrating the GFF gas panel:

• Calibration kit. (700.BL.780)

• Mixture calibration gas canisters – (700.BV.527) 100ppm Mixture

(700.BV.526) 1000ppm Mixture

(700.BV.525) 1% Mixture

(700.BV.524) 5% Mixture

(700.BV.523) 10% Mixture

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• Methane calibration gas canisters – (700.BV.522) 1% Methane

(700.BV.521) 10% Methane

(700.BZ.939) 30% Methane (optional)

(700.BV.520) 100% Methane


When you power up the GFF, let it run for few hours so as to have proper temperature stability inside the

analysis module.

Always do the Chromatograph (CHR) calibration first and then do Total Hydrocarbon Gas (THG)


Check that the GFF air input is set at 3.5 bar pressure.

Check that the H2 is set to 0.5 bar pressure.

Things to be checked when you setup a GFF or replace the Analysis module and also when the

flows are adjusted.

I. Prior to calibrating the GFF gas panel

1. Check for presence of C6 gas peaks (we do not measure C6 but can detect its peaks when flows are

wrongly set).

On the “Setting” screen change the cycle time from 42 seconds to 72 seconds. Then click OK.

2. Connect 10% gas mixture canister to the gas line port of the GFF analysis module using the calibration

kit regulator and regulate the gas pressure to 1 bar.

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Display the GFF screen on Chromatograph cycle on log scal3. e and check if C6 present. Do this process

for 3 complete cycles to confirm there is no presence of C6.

If C6 gas peaks are not present (as above), put back the cycle time to 42 seconds and go to step #5.

If the C6 gas peaks are present (as above) than redo the CHR Column Precut Flow again (in this case

the Precut flow has to be reduced


). After setting the precut flow, again check the chromatograph cycle

for presence of C6 gas peaks.

CHR Column Precut Flow (CCPF)

CHR Column Pressure (CCP)

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Issued b

5. Put back the cycle time to 42 seconds. Check the minimum time of C1 gas (open window); the open

window of C1 should be between the range of 19 seconds to 22 seconds. If it is not in range then

slowly adjust the Column Pressure regulator (clockwise rotation to increase pressure so as to allow the

gases to come early in the cycle, counter clockwise for gases to come late).

For Auto tracking,

time in seconds

when C1 reach its

maximum peak

Close nC5 window

before 38 secondsMinimum (open) C1 window between 19


6. Check the maximum time (close window) of nC5 gas, this maximum time should be before 38 seconds.

If not in range than slowly adjust the Column Pressure regulator. Again check the C1 open window and

nC5 close windows, they should both be in the working range. Note that the last 4 seconds of the

chromatograph cycle time is required for the GFF computer to do internal processing of data.

7. If iC5 and nC5 gas canister concentration are similar but you observe that the respective curves are of

different height then increase the Precut Column Flow by small amount. It is important that you should

not allow C6 to be detected.

iC5 and nC5 gas

peaks are of different



Note down the minimum (open) / maximum (close) for C1, C2, C3, iC4, nC4, iC5 and nC5. Also check

the C1 peak time for updating the Auto tracking time. Input all this information on the “

Setting” screen


Minus two seconds from

the Minimum (open) C1

window value to give you

the Base value

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9. Now flush / purge the GFF gas panel with compressor air, (use the extension tubing to connect

compressor air to the calibration kit regulator) regulate this air pressure to 1 bar in Gas line 1 port of

the analysis module. Also flush the Manual Injection port with air.

II. Chromatograph calibration for GFF

Since the Calibration port of the GFF analysis module cannot be used for the Chromatograph calibration, we

have to use the Manual injection port located in the front of the analysis module. Follow the diagram shown

below to line up the gas canister to the analysis module.

Manual injection port

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Regulate the pressure regulator to set flow of

40cc/min on the Alltech flowmeter.

Connect the Calibration kit tubing to the Manual injection port along with the Alltech flowmeter in series as

shown in the above diagram.

Now connect Air input to the Calibration kit, regulate the pressure regulator so as to have a set flow of 40

cc/min of air (less than 0.5 bar pressure) into the Manual injection port. Since the flow is set do not adjust

this pressure regulator while doing the five points chromatograph calibration.

Connect the required gas canister to calibration kit, flush the kit with little gas and then connect it to the

Manual injection port as shown in the diagram below.

It is a good practice to flush the calibration kit with calibration gas of the next

injection so as to get better gas readings.

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On the GFF main screen go to the Hidden Hot Key menu and select the GFF in “Advanced User” mode. Select

OK to accept the new setting.

1. Go to the Calibration icon so as to activate the Calibration screen as seen below.

Click Predefined Gas

Hidden Hot Key area

(between 4 squares)

Click Calibration icon

2. Click on ‘Predefined Gas’, click on Injection #1 and input the gas values for C1 to nC5 as labeled on

the 100ppm gas canister and click on ‘Update’ to accept the changes for that injection. Do this process

for each of the five injections starting from lower range to higher range. (Note: Injection #1 is 100 ppm

C1 mixture).

3. Connect the Calibration kit regulator and the 100 ppm calibration gas canister. Flush the calibration kit

tubing with the respective gas and then connect to the Manual injection port of the analysis module and

regulate the flow of of 40 cc/min on the Alltech flowmeter as explained earlier.

4. Click on ‘Run’ for calibration and then click on ‘Yes’ to start the calibration process.

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Each gas component (C1 – nC5)

has a grid with black Theoretical

curve and respective colour active

curve with five injection points

Click Run

During the ‘Run’ mode, the display on the Gas Composition table starts with 100 ppm C1 as the first

predefined gas mixture (injection #1). The gas from the canister flows through the CHR sample loop for

@ 10 sec, then the commutation of 6 port valve takes place and analysis process begins for that gas

sample. When that cycle completes, the ‘Validate’ box turns from grey colour text to black colour

text. Click on ‘Validate’ to accept this calibration point for 100 ppm concentration, see that your

calibration points for each of the components are close enough to the black theoretical point.


Compare the gas readings displayed on the RTM* computer, these gas readings are base on the

last active calibration and not your present calibration which is still not saved. Do not compare the

reading for the first two to three cycles, the gas may be contaminated so ignore these cycles.

*use the latest RTM software version.

5. After validation if you find that this point is not good (as shown in the grid below) then you have to click

on ‘Cancel’ before the end of the running cycle to go back to 100 ppm gas composition. Once the point

is validated, the gas composition goes to the next predefined 1000 ppm gas mixture.

6. Connect the 1000 ppm gas mixture canister to the Calibration kit and flush the calibration kit tubing with

gas. Connect the calibration kit to the calibration port and regulate the gas pressure to 1 bar on the

pressure gauge.

7. Click on ‘Validate’ to accept this calibration point for 1000 ppm concentration. Follow the same

procedure for 1%, 5%, 10% gas mixtures. The purpose of ‘Skip’ is to ignore a particular injection and

go to the next injection point. You can skip if you do not have that particular gas mixture canister.

8. After you have validated all the five gas injections then you can click ‘Save’ then click ‘Yes’ to save

your new calibration

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9. You can click ‘Stop’ then click ‘Yes’ to stop the calibration process.

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10. The ‘Restart’ option is to redo all the five point calibration again if needed.

11. You can click ‘Advance Calibration’ the file which works in ‘Advance User’ mode.

12. Check if all the five calibration points have been saved for C1 – C5’s.

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All calibration files listed.

Note the file with TH is

the Theoretical calibration


13. If you intend to use another calibration file then you have to highlight that particular calibration file and

click on ‘Select CAL’ button so as to make it active.

14. Add – to make a copy of the highlighted calibration file. Remove – to delete the highlighted file.

15. Update – to save after editing the points (not to be used in the field for modifications)

16. Disconnect the gas canister and flush / purge the GFF gas panel with compressor air, (use the

extension tubing to connect compressor air to the calibration kit regulator) regulate this air pressure to

1 bar in Calibration port of the analysis module.


Total Gas multipoint calibration for GFF

(Dry gas calibration)

1. Flush / purge the GFF gas panel with compressor air, (use the extension tubing to connect compressor

air to the calibration kit regulator) regulate this air pressure to 1 bar in Gas line #1 port of the analysis


2. Double click the Total Gas box area to activate the

Total Gas calibration window.

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Click here

3. For Total Gas you have two groups of calibration tables – Dry gas calibration table (using Methane gas

canisters only) and Wet gas calibration table (using Mixture gas canisters only). Only one type of

calibration table can be kept active. If you need Dry gas then highlight the dry Gas circle and click on

‘Select’ so as to make Dry Gas calibration active.

4. It is important to purge the GFF gas panel through the gas line #1 port of the Analysis module for few

minutes. Observe the Raw μV signal (grey box at the bottom), if this signal is more or less steady

(stable) then you click the first ‘UPDATE’ point. This will copy the raw signal value from the bottom to

point #1 Raw box. For the Calib box type 0 ppm since air is used to get the Zero - no gas value. After

updating the first point of Raw and Calib then click on ‘Validate’ to recognize the new point. Observe

the Total Gas display window should show 0 ppm value, if Total Gas display is not showing 0 ppm then

redo the raw μV signal value once again to have a proper Zero for the first point.

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5. Connect 1% Methane gas canister to the Calibration kit. Connect the calibration kit to the Gas line #1

port of the analysis module and regulate the gas pressure to 1 bar on the pressure gauge.

6. Observe the Raw μV signal (grey box at the bottom), if this signal is more or less steady (stable) then

you click the second ‘UPDATE’ point. This will copy the raw signal value from the bottom to point #2

Raw box. For the Calib box type 10000 ppm since the calibration gas canister was 1% Methane. Click

on ‘Validate’ to recognize the second point. Observe the Total Gas display window should show @

10000 ppm value, if not then redo the ‘Update’ for the same concentration of gas and again ‘Validate’.

7. Follow the same procedure for 10% and 100% Methane canisters.


Total Gas multipoint calibration for GFF

(Wet gas calibration)

1. Flush / purge the GFF gas panel with compressor air, (use the extension tubing to connect compressor

air to the calibration kit regulator) regulate this air pressure to 1 bar in Gasoline #1 port of the analysis


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2. Click the Total Gas box area to activate the

Total Gas calibration window.

Click here

3. If you need Wet gas then highlight the wet Gas circle and click on ‘Select’ so as to make Wet Gas

calibration active.

4. It is important to purge the GFF gas panel through the gas line #1 port of the Analysis module for few

minutes. Observe the Raw μV signal (grey box at the bottom), if this signal is more or less steady

(stable) then you click the first ‘UPDATE’ point. This will copy the raw signal value from the bottom to

point #1 Raw box. For the Calib box type 0 ppm since air is used to get the Zero - no gas value. After

updating the first point of Raw and Calib then click on ‘Validate’ to recognize the new point. Observe

the Total Gas display window should show 0 ppm value, if Total Gas display is not showing 0 ppm then

redo the raw μV signal value once again to have a proper Zero for the first point.

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5. Connect 1000 ppm Mixture gas canister to the Calibration kit. Connect the calibration kit to the

Gasoline #1 port of the analysis module and regulate the gas pressure to 1 bar on the pressure gauge.

6. Observe the Raw μV signal (grey box at the bottom), if this signal is more or less steady (stable) then

you click the second ‘UPDATE’ point. This will copy the raw signal value from the bottom to point #2

Raw box. Since 1000 ppm mixture gas canister will give 6750 ppm Methane Equivalent % (C1 + 2xC2

+ 3xC3 + 4xiC4 + 4xnC4 + 5xiC5 + 5xnC5). In the Calib box you have to input Methane Equivalent

value. Click on ‘Validate’ to recognize the second point. Observe the Total Gas display window should

show @ 6750 ppm value, if not then redo the ‘Update’ for the same concentration of gas and again


Calculate the Methane Equivalent

% base on the canister values for

each component.

7. Follow the same procedure when calibrating the 1%, 5% and 10% Mixture gas canisters.

Mixture gas canister Methane Equivalent %

1000 ppm C1 Mixture 6750 ppm

10000 ppm C1 Mixture 67500 ppm

50000 ppm C1 Mixture 200500 ppm

100000 ppm C1 Mixture 330000 ppm

Note: Since the 10% Mixture has the C6 components, it has to be included in the Methane equivalent %.

8. Remove the calibration kit from gasline #1 port of the analysis module and connect back the gasline #1

tubing coming from the pump module. Start both the pumps and flush out all the contaminated gas

from the system. Now the GFF calibration is complete.

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