miércoles, 8 de diciembre de 2010

12.1.1. InterACT 5.5
InterACT provides secure, web-based access to global oilfield data from all stages of the
exploration and production cycle in real-time. The InterAct cataloguing architecture can
manage all upstream data from both local and remote operations.
The system can deliver all types of data in any format, such as drilling reports, mud records,
wireline and LWD logs, well stimulation data, drill bit pictures or directional drilling information.
InterACT allows you to access the information from anywhere as long as you are connected
to the Internet and you have the right to access.
Here are the main possibilities of InterACT:
• Real-time or static transmission of Well data to multiple destinations
• Secure and reliable transmission of Well data over the Schlumberger Intranet (SINet)
and the Internet
• Data Privacy
• Efficient Data Cataloguing System
• Integrated Drilling and Measurement and Wireline data display
• Customisable numeric and graphic displays
• Collaboration features (Notification, Chat, Events)
The wellsite or customer supplies data to the InterACT database, the web server.
The wellsite acquisition system can be connected to SINet or the Internet. The InterACT
database stores and catalogs the data for easy, secure access across the Internet, from an
Internet browser, or for a dedicated high-speed connection to the SINet.
12.1.2. ALS to InterACT
On the ALS system, 2 programs need to be installed to be able to send data and geology
parameters to the InterACT. Those two programs: “Wits Server 6” and “Well Sync” which are
Schlumberger softwares loaded on the RTG computer give the possibility to the RTG computer to
communicate directly with the SCHLUMBERGER Real Time Server (it doesn’t need anymore to go
through ANADRILL)
Drilling, Lagged, Mud and Gas data are transmitted using WITS 0.
All the Geology parameters ( Cutting %, Litho logy comments and descriptions) are sent using a new
format called WITSML, XML file.
The wits data and the witsml will be sent in one section of the interact server.
Reports, PDF logs can also be posted on the INTERACT Server.
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The client, connected to the InterAct Server ( Intranet or Internet ) will access to SCHLUMBERGER
and GEOSERVICES data ( if they got a common Time and Depth Database ). He will be able to see
all the data in Real Time ( Graphic or Alphanumeric), to merge MWD & ML data on the same
composite log and to download on his computer all the information present on this server.
As the InterACT is already configure to receive , only on the ALS side some programs and
setting , have to be done.
Here are the 3 things to do
• Configuration of RTG to connect to InterACT Web
• Installation of Wits server6
• Installation of Well Sync
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The 2 programs “Wits Server6” and “Well Sync” are Schlumberger softwares loaded on the
Geoservices RTG computer to make the interface between our system and the Schlumberger
InterACT server.
For the installation of Wits Server 6 and Well Sync, the RTG software need to be already
loaded on the station because some of its files which are under c:\Schlumberger will be
12.2.1. RTG configuration
• The RTG has to be connected to the InterACT either through the client
Network or SCHLUMBERGER network.
This will be done using the TCP/IP protocol.
As it is written in RTG section , the RTG must have two Ethernet Board
If you don’t have a second Ethernet card on your PC, you need to add one and
configure it in TCP/IP (mode)
Remark :
Ask to the client network engineer or the SCHLUMBERGER representative the IP address
which can be used by the RTG . This IP address must be able to view and discuss with the
InterAct server.
• RTG needs to have Internet Explorer 6 (see section 3, § 3.2.2., page
3-10 for the installation procedure) to have access to the Internet.
12.2.2. Installing the Wits Server 6 on RTG
From CD 2/3 on utilities click on Wits server6.
When you install the wits server6 , at one point it ask you where you want to install it , by
default it’s c:\Program Files \Schlumberger\WITS Server\
Click Browse and remove the space between WITS and Server to have the destination
location as follow: c:\Program Files \Schlumberger\WITSServer\
(This will avoid problem of loading the predefine InterACT file configuration.)
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Click [next] then follow the instructions, keep default settings giving by the installation
12.2.3. Installing Well Sync on RTG
From CD 2/3 on utilities click on WellSync.
Follow the instructions, keep default settings giving by the installation software
(we need to install wellsync program to allow sending wits with the wits server6 , there are
common file which will be load with wellsync).
12.3.1. Introduction
The RTG will send 2 types of information to the InterACT server:
- Send WITS Data (Triggers DEPTH, TIME, EVENT).
- Send Lithology ,descriptions in WITSML format.
Wits data and Wits ML have a common configuration , section ( for InterACT server) section ( for RTG ).
When the common configuration has been done ,there is a specific setting for both formats: Wits
data ( section 12.3.2) and Wits ML (section 12.3.3).
Wits data Transmission Synoptic
The Wits data can be sent either directly from the RTG to InterACT server or via a Schlumberger
RTG direct to the InterACT
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RTG to the InterACT through the SCHLUMBERGER computer
• Send SLB
PORT = 8000
IP = Local Host
• InterACT
Receiver_1: Port = 8000
IP = Local Host
Sender_1: “ *.wits “ file
Receive Wits data in
• Send SLB
PORT = 8000
IP = Address
• InterACT
Receiver_1: Port = 8000
IP = Address
Sender_1: “ *.wits “ file
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WitsML transmission synoptic
Only one possibility to send WitsML
Receive Wits data in
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Before starting any transmission, get from SCHLUMBERGER representative:
- the Name of the Administrator
- the IP address or the address of the InterACT server
- the right access
You have to fill in the InterACT form.
This form is located on the RTG station, at this path: “ C:\Schlumberger\Setupfile ”
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Fill it in with the Geoservices parts and send it to Schlumberger Representative, with a
copy to the Base and OAD Paris ( email: ml.oad@geoservices.com )
InterACT account Request
To be able to publish data / send rapport on the InterACT server , you need a UserName
and a password. For this you can request to the InterACT administrator by going on the
InterACT website at this adresse:
www.interact.slb.com , you will be rerouted to a secure web site.
Click [OK]
On the left side of their Home page ,there is an option “Request New Customer Account”
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Fill this form with the maximum information.
Important : you can not share an account , every person going on the InterACT website
need to have its own account.
The password need to have one uppercase letter and one number.
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The InterACT administrator will send back a mail (at the address you enter on the form ) to
tell that your account have been granted.
Preparing the Interact server to receive Geoservices data
On the internet go to the Schlumberger web site.
Enter your username and password, take care of the format.
Click on Login button.
If the screen below appears click [YES] to continue
You will have access only to certain files which will be shown on the screen, click on the
path you want.
The administrator of the website will give you ORG/FIELD/WELL path where you can
publish data , you will have to create section where you will send data ,report….
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Before starting any application, check on the Title bar at the bottom of the screen if
VISIBROKER SMART AGENT is running ( Fired up automatically at start up ).
Otherwise click on OSAGENT Icon.
􀂾 Double click on RTG icon
Ensure that the first 4 services have started successfully.
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12.3.2. Wits data to the InterACT set-up
Configure: RTG (refer to the §
Wits Server 6 (refer to the § and § RTG settings
You need to configure the RTG to send data in trigger mode to the Schlumberger Server.
The WITS in Trigger mode allows you to send predefined Wits records. Each one has its specific
trigger: TIME or DEPTH or EVENT. (See annexe 13, § 13.2.1)
Status Records Nbr Wits Name Record
Time Status 1 General Time-Based
5 Tripping
11 Mud Tank Volume
17 Cementing
Depth Status 2 Drilling
13 Chromatograph Gasses Depth Based
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You can only send Wits Record which are in the previous list.
The exact setup of what you want to transfer will be done in a file xxxx_SND.TXT located
under (C:\WITSNT\). Modification have to be done manually through NOTEPAD.
Example of “Session_SND.txt” file.
14 Lagged Continuous Mud Properties
Event Status 3 Drilling Connections
6 Tripping Connections
10 Pressure Evaluation
12 Chromatograph Gasses Cycle-Based
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Note: the data are recorded in metric into the database, so when you send data in Trigger
Mode they will also be all the time in metric.
􀁧 You have to put a coefficient and an offset to every data you want to send in API. (if
the data doesn’t need any coefficient and offset, don’t write it).
How to find the coefficient and the offset?
On the unit.dat file of your present database, go to the data you want and check the
coefficient (A) and the offset (B). (Metric = A (API) + B)
The coefficient you will have to enter will be 1/A and the offset will be –B/A
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I want to send the Bit Depth (feet), SPP (Psi) and Temperature (Farhenheit degree). The
database is in API so the coefficient for Bit Depth is 0.3448006 (no offset), for the SPP it is
0.0689476 (no offset) and for the Temperature OUT the coefficient is 0.555555 and the
offset is –7.77778.
So I will have to configure the xxx_SND.txt file as follow:
Note: the coefficient and the offset allow you to send the value of the data you are
displaying on the RTM screen.
To start launching wits data double click on Wits_Launcher Icon
􀂾 Click on GEO group, then
􀂾 Choose SendSLB then click on the arrow (red circle) to start the communication
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Remark :
A file MSendSLB_SND.txt and ASendSLB_SND.txt (M for metric and A forApi) already
exist , when you load the software , the file SendSLB: is predefine to send Wits Record in
Time, Depth and Event Triggers. The record are sent to the SCHLUMBERGER Wits Server
6.0 ( LocalHost ( RTG machine ) port 8000 )
The sender indicator will become Yellow, waiting to establish a wits link to
SCHLUMBERGER WITS SERVER Receive Wits data from Geoservices to Wits Server 6
Wits server uses an interconnected set of data configuration files to determine the format of
exchanged data. For Wits data exchange it’s important that both sides have an exact
matching copy of the configuration files (that ‘s what you are doing when you click on
“prepare Web for Publishing”)
Wits server uses 3 distinct types of files for its configuration (rec##.dat , rec_setup.dat and
default_map.dat) , all of them are ASCII and user editable (with Notepad by example).All
those file have to be on the same directory.
On the RTG some predefined files have been created and are under c:\Schlumberger\setup
Copy the correct ones to c:\programes files\Schlumberger\witsserver\adv_wits
Record definition file
A logical grouping of items, because a record is customisable , a record defionition file
explicity define the contents of a single record.
The name of the files are like this rec##.dat ,when you are sending data in API ,or
mrec##.dat when you are sending data in metric,(## symbolise for the example the record
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As the wits server is a Schlumberger program, only the 7th column is used for our purpose.
It’s the unit column. It defines what kind of unit Wits Launcher is sending to the InterACT
web site.
If you don’t want to send a special data put an exclamation mark in front of the sentence
corresponding to the item (item number are at the end of each sentence).
Record setup file
A list of record definition files used for a given connection along with other information about
the records such as frequency to send.
The name of the file is rec_setup.dat and is stored in the folder as the record definjition files
with which it is associated.
Column Variable Description
1 Record ID Wits record number
2 Trigers ONOFF
Specifies if the record is ON (1)or OFF (0)
Triggers-Time The time interval in seconds for sending or
receiving data
A (-1) indicates that trigger is not applicable
Triggers-Depth The depth interval in feet for sending or receiving
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Record MAP file
Information about the record definition files , indexed by depth. Because each item in the
record may have a different depth index , the record map is an indication of the depth
reference for each item.
The map files are always named DEFAULT_MAP.DAT and is include in the same folder as
the record setup and record definition files. This file has 3 columns.
In columns 2 and 3 , a value of “-1” has special meaning.
For column 2 , it mean all variables in that record.
In column 3 , iot mean do not write the item from column 2 to the database.
Subsequent lines in the file override previous lines.It is common for the first line (referring to
record X) to look like this in order to initialise and clear out buffers that would try to send
data: X –1 –1.
The lines that follow the first line configure the actual item map.
An example of the default record map file is shown below.
A (-1) indicates that trigger is not applicable
Triggers-Event Indicates new data will be sent whenever it is
Example:chromatographie result
6 reserved -
7 Trigger Vendor Not use in Geoservices case
definition file
The files that defines the record rec##.dat or
Column Meaning
1 ID of the record
2 ID of the variable record indicated in Column 1
3 ID of the variable that contains the depth of the variable in column
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By example if we take the 14 11 08 this mean that the item 11 of the record 14 will be record
in the depth database with item 8 of record 14 as depth reference.
Here the item 08 is the lagdepth and the item 11 is the Mud weight Out.
􀂾 Double click on Wits Server Icon ,
Click on File, Open then load the file Interact present under C:\Schlumberger\Setup_File
Remark : This file has to be reload each time you start the SCHLUMBERGER Wits Server
Time setting
Go on actions - Edit receiver then date/time settings
Choose the option below , like this the data receive to the wits server will be substitute to the
current time of the computer running wits server.
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(you need to configure your computer to the correct time zone , for this right click on the time
on the bottom right of your screen , go to adjust time/date then choose time zone, put your
local zone otherwise when you will go to the InterACT server there will be a difference on
the time)
InterACT file contains the Schlumberger Wits Server set up to receive Wits from
GEOSERVICES Wits server and send WITS data to the InterAct.
Here is the setup by default:
Receiver_1 : Sender => Local Host on Port= 8000
Sender_1 : Sender => Receiver_1 Receiver=> InterAct through
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(geodata.wits is the file name you will enter on the setting window of the sender)
If you go to Records, on the record name column will be all the records define on the
rec_setup file (check the path on Settings /Option for the rec_setup file).
On the data source check that you have PORT when you choose RECEIVER_X on the
Link Name window and RECEIVER_X when you choose SENDER_X on the Link Name
Check as well the ON/OFF status on the STATE column, OFF mean that the record is
configure to send but it won’t be send.
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􀂾 Start the Receiver_1 by clicking on
The Receiver_1 line comes Green, communication is correct. In the meantime the Sender
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traffic light of Send SLB comes Green also on “Wits Launcher”. Send Wits data from Wits Server 6 to the Interact server
􀂾 Click on
Before to start the Sender, you have to prepare the Wits file ( C:\WITSNT\WITS_Trans\) to
be published on InterAct server. A new file name need to be create each time you launch
Prepare for Web Publishing
Click on this icon to browse the path were the files .wits and x_rec.zip will be store
when you publish data on the File Name window.
Choose file for Comm Medium
Ensure the ‘Publish Wits to Web’ check box is ticked..
When you click on the “1.Configure Publishing Settings…” button you arrive to the following
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Click on Use Advanced settings to have the full screen
The URL line is very important , it give the correct path to publish the data, it should be :
https :/ come from the Protocol window
www.interact.slb.com /come from the InterACT server name window
publishing/ come from the Web Directory window
Enter your Account (Interact Username) and the password associated : Given by
SCLHUMBERGER Representative.
Pess the ‘Browse InterACT’ button, this gives you the option of checking the InterACT
server for the correct structure where to send the data.
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Pressing the search button will return the structures to which you have permissions
Choose the appropriate Organization, Field Name ,Well, Section then press OK.
Remark : Better check with the InterACT Administrator which is the location ( Organisation,
Field ,Well, Section ) reserved for GEOSERVICES to transfer its data.
If the settings are correct quit the IWW Publishing setting by clicking on OK.
Then press the ‘Prepare for web publishing’
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If you get this screen it means that *.WITS is ready to be sent. If you still have the “
Forbidden sign” check again all the setting and retry to publish. Still not Ok verify the set up
with SCHLUMBERGER Representative.
Press the OK button to come back to the main screen.
􀂾 Start the Sender_1 by pressing on
The Wits Server window should now look like the example below
Click on the
time to see the
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By double clicking on the time , you can see which data are going through.
The data are shown as they are send in trigger mode.
12.3.3. Wits ML data to the InterACT set-up RTG
􀂾 Start WITSML Sender File
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Under C:\WitsNt\XML directory there are 2 files :
• sWitsML.XML_SMF (buffer file , do not delete it)
• sWitsML.XML which is created when launching sWITSML
Sender File , for the first time, and is generated each time you will add some
information using the GEOLOGY and MASTERLOG software on the TDC
Remark :
If the service is started, you can not stop it . You have to close the RTG WITS application (to
be correct in the next version ).
On TDX transfer the full Lithology information.
􀂾 Run the symbol package.
􀂾 With F7 key choose ALLIANCE, answer YES. InterACT
We will upload the SWITSML.XML file on the section we are sending the wits data.
For this go to the Org/Field/well
Under the Well Section click on Upload file on the left tool bar
Enter the specification of the file to be added
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FILE TYPE : Click on arrow to get the different types. Select WITSML File
NAME : It is just a generic name.
FILE NAME : Write directly the WITSML Path or use the Browse button to select it ,
Then click on ADD FILE
The INTERACT informs you that the WITSML file is now ready to be transfered. This
application has to be opened all the time. Any modification in the File will be transmitted
automatically. If you close the application, the transfer will be down so you will need to ADD
the file again.
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The WitsML.xml files have been added on your section.
12.3.4. UNIT
The Geoservices database is recorded in metric (even if your data are either in metric or in
API) ,so every witsML data will be sent with a metric depth as index.
You have 5 set to configure to be able to visualize the data with the good unit on the
InterACt website:
- ALS database
-trigger file
- Launcher
- Schlumberger Server
- InterACT Unit set-up
ALS database
Create a standard database either in metric or API with Database utilities on the TDX station
ALS database
On the trigger file you can a coefficient and offset.
RTG Wits
When sending WitsML you will have to modify the file c:\Wits\Launcher on the RTG
Right click on this and click Edit , you will have to unrem or rem the line :
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Bellow is the file c:\Wits\Launcher.cmd
@echo off
call mk_env.cmd
call traceser.cmd
@set PROPERTIES=%PROPERTIES% -D:tracedb=true
@set PROPERTIES=%PROPERTIES% -D:tracenotify=true
@set PROPERTIES=%PROPERTIES% -D:DontReadHisto=true
@rem @set PROPERTIES=%PROPERTIES% -D:traceRtg=true
@rem @set PROPERTIES=%PROPERTIES% -D:traceRtgWits=true
@rem @set PROPERTIES=%PROPERTIES% -D:traceRtgWitsValues=true
"%TOOL_JVM_HOME%\jview" %PROPERTIES% geoals.application.Launcher.gui.Gui
Schlumberger Server
You have to configure the Schlumberger server which is on the RTG computer.
For this take the files which are under c:\Schlumberger\setupfiles\ , choose the right
contents depending of the unit your are using and copy it to
By doing this InterACT will know the format Geoservices is using , this file is send into the
“WebddRecDef.zip” file when lauching the Sender on Schlumberger server.
On the InterACT site you have to configure by going to My accopunt/view and edit account
information and choose English(for API) or Metric. This will change the Unit for all the data.
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Click on [submit]
You can also create a unit which is not on the Interact site by default.
Select numeric /choose the table you want to display then go to configure and choose the
data you want to change the unit.
With this option you can visualize the data as it’s on the RTM screen but the data recorded
on the InterACT database will be the data you are sending (before custom unit change). Metric
Create a standard Metric database .
RTG Wits
On the file c:\Wits\Launcher you will have to rem the line
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Schlumberger Server
Copy a Metric files
from c:\Schlumberger\setupfiles\ to
On the Interact system you need to go to setting and choose metric API
Create a standard API database.
RTG Wits
On the file c:\Wits\Launcher you will have to unrem the line
Schlumberger Server
Copy an API files
from c:\Schlumberger\setupfiles\ to
On the Interact system you need to go to setting and choose English Database with both units
With a “mix” database, the main problem is with the WitsML which need to be indexed with a
depth for reference. This is why it is better to create a standard metric database on the ALS
to avoid any coefficient problem on the InterACT display.
Create a standard Metric database.
RTG Wits
On the file c:\Wits\Launcher you will have to rem the line if the database you create is
a metric
On the Interact system you need to go to setting and choose Metric.
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Schlumberger Server
Copy from c:\Schlumberger\setupfiles\ a metric file to
For the data which are on API unit, change the unit on the record file you are sending
to interact.
The file you have to change are as follow , example for record 11.
You change only the parameter on bold character.
API data on record 11
11-Mud tank volumes
# WITS Record Number 11
65 16 WID WID 2 0 ---- Well identifier # 1 Start of
79 2 SKNO SKNO 2 0 ---- Sidetrack/hole sect no # 2
79 2 RID RID 2 0 ---- Record identifier # 3
73 4 SQID SQID 2 0 ---- Sequence identifier # 4
73 4 DATE DATE 2 0 ---- Date # 5
73 4 TIME TIME 2 0 ---- Time # 6
79 2 ACTC ACTC 0 0 ---- Activity code # 7
128 4 DMEA DMEA 0 0 F Depth hole (meas) # 8
Start of Data
128 4 DVER DVER 0 0 F Depth hole (vert) # 9
128 4 TVT TVT 3 1 BBL Tank volume (total) # 10
128 4 TVA TVA 3 1 BBL Tank volume (active) # 11
128 4 TVCT TVCT 3 0 BBL Tank volume change (total) # 12
128 4 TVCA TVCA 3 0 BBL Tank volume change (active) # 13
73 4 TVRT TVRT 3 0 ---- Tank volume reset time # 14
128 4 TV01 TV01 3 1 BBL Tank 01 volume # 15
128 4 TV02 TV02 3 1 BBL Tank 02 volume # 16
128 4 TV03 TV03 3 1 BBL Tank 03 volume # 17
128 4 TV04 TV04 3 1 BBL Tank 04 volume # 18
128 4 TV05 TV05 3 1 BBL Tank 05 volume # 19
128 4 TV06 TV06 3 1 BBL Tank 06 volume # 20
128 4 TV07 TV07 3 1 BBL Tank 07 volume # 21
128 4 TV08 TV08 3 1 BBL Tank 08 volume # 22
128 4 TV09 TV09 3 1 BBL Tank 09 volume # 23
128 4 TV10 TV10 3 1 BBL Tank 10 volume # 24
128 4 TV11 TV11 3 1 BBL Tank 11 volume # 25
128 4 TV12 TV12 3 1 BBL Tank 12 volume # 26
128 4 TV13 TV13 3 1 BBL Tank 13 volume # 27
128 4 TV14 TV14 3 1 BBL Tank 14 volume # 28
128 4 TTV1 TTV1 3 0 BBL Trip tank 1 volume # 29
128 4 TTV2 TTV2 3 0 BBL Trip tank 2 volume # 30
128 4 MSP1 MS01 3 0 ---- # Spares
128 4 MSP2 MS02 3 0 ---- #
128 4 MSP3 MS03 3 0 ---- #
128 4 MSP4 MS04 3 0 ---- #
128 4 MSP5 MS05 3 0 ---- #
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Metric data on record 11
11-Mud tank volumes
# WITS Record Number 11
65 16 WID WID 2 0 ---- Well identifier # 1 Start of
79 2 SKNO SKNO 2 0 ---- Sidetrack/hole sect no # 2
79 2 RID RID 2 0 ---- Record identifier # 3
73 4 SQID SQID 2 0 ---- Sequence identifier # 4
73 4 DATE DATE 2 0 ---- Date # 5
73 4 TIME TIME 2 0 ---- Time # 6
79 2 ACTC ACTC 0 0 ---- Activity code # 7
128 4 DMEA DMEA 0 0 M Depth hole (meas) # 8
Start of Data
128 4 DVER DVER 0 0 M Depth hole (vert) # 9
128 4 TVT TVT 3 1 M3 Tank volume (total) # 10
128 4 TVA TVA 3 1 M3 Tank volume (active) # 11
128 4 TVCT TVCT 3 0 M3 Tank volume change (total) # 12
128 4 TVCA TVCA 3 0 M3 Tank volume change (active) # 13
73 4 TVRT TVRT 3 0 ---- Tank volume reset time # 14
128 4 TV01 TV01 3 1 M3 Tank 01 volume # 15
128 4 TV02 TV02 3 1 M3 Tank 02 volume # 16
128 4 TV03 TV03 3 1 M3 Tank 03 volume # 17
128 4 TV04 TV04 3 1 M3 Tank 04 volume # 18
128 4 TV05 TV05 3 1 M3 Tank 05 volume # 19
128 4 TV06 TV06 3 1 M3 Tank 06 volume # 20
128 4 TV07 TV07 3 1 M3 Tank 07 volume # 21
128 4 TV08 TV08 3 1 M3 Tank 08 volume # 22
128 4 TV09 TV09 3 1 M3 Tank 09 volume # 23
128 4 TV10 TV10 3 1 M3 Tank 10 volume # 24
128 4 TV11 TV11 3 1 M3 Tank 11 volume # 25
128 4 TV12 TV12 3 1 M3 Tank 12 volume # 26
128 4 TV13 TV13 3 1 M3 Tank 13 volume # 27
128 4 TV14 TV14 3 1 M3 Tank 14 volume # 28
128 4 TTV1 TTV1 3 0 M3 Trip tank 1 volume # 29
128 4 TTV2 TTV2 3 0 M3 Trip tank 2 volume # 30
128 4 MSP1 MS01 3 0 ---- # Spares
128 4 MSP2 MS02 3 0 ---- #
128 4 MSP3 MS03 3 0 ---- #
128 4 MSP4 MS04 3 0 ---- #
128 4 MSP5 MS05 3 0 ---- #
12.3.5. InterACT Display
Open Internet Explorer and set the home page to InterAct
Under the Home page enter , your name account and its password, press Login.
The Interact website is divided like this:
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Under Well appear some sections , each person publishing data got their own section , like
this different sections can be created to upload rapport and publish data.
Below is the presentation:
Under well you have the section like below:
If you click on the section which has this kind of icon on the left, you will see the file that
interACT uses to see Wits and WitsML data to the Website
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Those 2 files : 2405.wits and 2405_rec.zip are here to visualize the Wits data and the
lithology2405.xml file for the WitsML Wits data
*Click on Numeric then a similar screen will show:
Click on” configure” to select the data you want to visualize
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On the section, on the left hand side of the screen , choose “log”
Choose the Log you want to visualize on the list, put the limit and click on the button
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You can change the scale of the log being display
Important: Lithology description enter on Masterlog shown on the Geological column on the
Interact website.
To be able to visualize the description without having problem, here are the configuration of
the Geological column.
2 things have to be change , the size of the track and the text format.
*Click on [Show Log Editor] then choose the track of the Geological column , on [tracks]
change the width, it need to be 2.5 inch width.
*you need to choose the good text format.
Go to [text] of the geological column then choose those option.
Font: courier news
Font style : regular
Size : 8
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At the moment if you make a change with the Geology or Masterlog program on the TDX at
a previous depth , it won’t be shown in real time on the InterACT server .You need to press
F5 to refresh the screen (by doing this you will read the updated InterACT database). Screens available on the InterACT website under real time data
Real time data /Trajectory
Real time data /Tool face
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Real time data /Vital
Real time data /Console
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Real time data /Time plot
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Real time data /Database
- Choose which data to view ( time or depth)
- Click ‘View/Edit Data’
- Select the data you want to see and press ‘View/Edit select channel’
A page like this will appear:
Real time data /Download
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Choose the data by pressing “ctrl” and left click the go to Next
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Click [OK] to start downloading the file… Schlumberger manual on the Website.
For more information you can read the “InterACT user guide “.
This file is named “InterACT Help”. This is a PDF file. Click once on it and it will start to
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You’ll find it at this path: Organisation\Administrative\
12.4.1 Wits data sent with the wits server
Every day you need to stop publishing data and enter a new wits file name. This will avoid
having big file on the InterACT website ,and the possibility of crashing.
12.4.2 Report sent on the InterACT web site (pdf file , ascii file...)
The first time you want to send a file , you need to go to the InterACT site then to the
Organisation/field/well then you have to create a section with a logical name
(example:Geoservices ascii data report) , to do this ,click on “new section” under well.
Then when you want to send a file go under Organisation/field/well/section , click on
“upload file” on the left site on the section page
Fill up all the information box .
Click Browse to give the path for the file you want to send then click the “add file “ button
when the settings are finish .
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A windows will appear showing the transfer percentage, then your file will be on the section
and then can be uploaded by the person who have the rights to go on this section.
12.4.3 Check data transmission.
To check the real time data on the Interact you need to go to their website (you can use the
same account adress than the one which is in use by Wits server6 on the RTG)
Go to the section where you are publishing data then click numeric .
A default table will appear , choose the one which have been created to see all the data you
are sending.
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If the data are shown in light grey this means the data are not going through.
12.4.4 Check data recording in InterACT
Go to the section where you are publishing data then click database view , select the data (channel )
you want to visualize
Click view/edit select channel
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Check the last line specially the time, you can check as well the data recorded in depth.
Keep the depth Database of the ALS close the depth of the driller. Everything which is
recorded on the ALS is record on the InterACT , if you adjust the depth back and if you
continue drilling you will overwrite the depth recorded but if you stop drilling the TD won’t
be the same on InterACT and on the ALS.
􀁺 Error1:
When you click [Search] on the Search Interact Webserver for existing Org,Fileds,Wells and
section windows , if you have this kind of error:
you need to load the wellsync software (cd 2/3)
Error2 :
When try to publish the data this error message appear.
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Check the URL path ,you need to enter publishing on the [web directory] window when the
option [use advanced settings] is choice
􀁺 Error3
Publish a wits file with no problem , and good incrementation of the wits file on the InterACT
server but some data won’t be update because the Wits Launcher connection is correct but
the data transmission is not.
The receiver_1 should come green telling that the connection is OK.( check that you receive
the record 1 (normal mode) or 5 (only in tripping mode) , they are time records so easily to
see if the connection and the data transmission between wits launcher and wits server6 is
really correct)..
If you don’t see those record , Stop Recerver_1 , then stop SendSLB and the rest of
transmission which are on the Wits Launcher. Close Wits Launcher then open Wits
Launcher then restart the client.
􀁺 Error4
If there is already a file with the same name on the InterACT server , you won’t have
problem to publish it but when you will start SENDER_1 it will stay yellow and you won’t be
able to stop it .
The only way to stop it will be to press CTRL+ALT+DEL then go to the task manager..
Solution 4
Each time you restart the “prepare for Web publishing” you need first to put a new file name
on the “file name “box.
􀁺 Error 5
When trying to publish data a windows showing the transfer progress stop then ask you if
you want to continue the transfer , press Yes and after a while an error message will say
data transfer fails..
Solution 5:
Check if you can upload the *.wits file manually by going on the section then choose [upload
Note: you need first to upload the zip file associated the data you are transferring
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If you can do this ,check with IT people the rights you have , those 23 methodes are
􀁺 Error6
The Sender_1 go yellow then red , yellow ……and after a while go back to green
The RTG start bipping , when SENDER_1 is red
When you have recov Upload which go back to 12 of 12 it start a new loop.
It’s a communication.problem.
If you try with an another computer to access the InterACT web site you can have this kind
of error message:
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Leave the RTG doing its loop and it will reconnect to the InterACT server after a while if the
InterACT server or the link come back to work.
􀁺 Error7
When changing the unit on the unit.dat then control + F9 on RTM (RTM take it with no
problem).When you are sending data to InterACT via the wits Launcher in Trigger mode ,
the data will send with the previous unit.dat and not the one which have been regenerated.
(if you look of what Receiver_1 and Sender_1 is having for data it will be with previous
unit.dat format).
Solution 7
Switch off wits server/wits launcher then stop RTG application then restart RTG / wits
server / wits launcher.
􀁺 Error8
Sending record 5
The wits Launcher was working fine sending the data.
The InterACT was receiving the data correctly (check on the section the size and the little
light flashing , no problem )But when you go in Numeric to visualize the data in real time
there is no change (data in light gray ) and if you go to database view the data stop
recording(check the record time).
When going on the error log an error appear Write STIS
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Solution 8
The problem was solve after stopping sending on record 5 the item 13 (on slip status) the
error STIS stop on the Interact website.
To stop it , put an exclamation mark in front of item 13 on the rec_5.dat or mrec5_.dat
To see the error Log go to database view then choose error Log
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